Section 6 Advanced String Processing
Above, we have used functions and regular expressions to extract and find patters in textual data. Here, we will focus on common but advanced methods for cleaning text data using the quanteda
(see here for a cheat sheet for the quanteda
package), the tm
(Feinerer, Hornik, and Meyer 2008), and the udpipe
packages (Wijffels 2021), which are extremely useful when dealing with more advanced text processing.
6.1 Sentence tokenization
One common procedure is to split texts into sentences which we can do by using, e.g., the tokenize_sentence
function from the quanteda
package. I also unlist the data to have a vector wot work with (rather than a list).
## textpos10001
## "Gary Busey is superb in this musical biography."
## textpos10002
## "Great singing and excellent soundtrack."
## textpos10003
## "The Buddy Holly Story is a much better movie than La Bamba."
## textpos10004
## "From reading other comments, there may be some historical inaccuracies."
## textpos10005
## "Regardless, it is a fun toe-tapping film, and a good introduction to Buddy Holly's music."
## textpos10006
## ""
6.2 Stop word removal
Another common procedure is to remove stop words, i.e., words that do not have semantic or referential meaning (like nouns such as tree or cat, or verbs like sit or speak or adjectives such as green or loud) but that indicate syntactic relations, roles, or features.(e.g., articles and pronouns). We can remove stopwords using, e.g., the removeWords
function from the tm
## textpos1000
## "Gary Busey superb musical biography. Great singing excellent soundtrack. The Buddy Holly Story much better movie La Bamba. From reading comments, may historical inaccuracies. Regardless, fun toe-tapping film, good introduction Buddy Holly's music.\r\n"
6.3 Removing unwanted sybols
To remove the superfluous white spaces, we can use, e.g., the stripWhitespace
function from the tm
## textpos1000
## "Gary Busey superb musical biography. Great singing excellent soundtrack. The Buddy Holly Story much better movie La Bamba. From reading comments, may historical inaccuracies. Regardless, fun toe-tapping film, good introduction Buddy Holly's music. "
It can also be useful to remove numbers. We can do this using, e.g., the removeNumbers
function from the tm
et_wonum <- tm::removeNumbers("This is the 1 and only sentence I will write in 2022.")
# inspect
## [1] "This is the and only sentence I will write in ."
We may also want to remove any type of punctuation using, e.g., the removePunctuation
function from the tm
## textpos1000
## "Gary Busey is superb in this musical biography Great singing and excellent soundtrack The Buddy Holly Story is a much better movie than La Bamba From reading other comments there may be some historical inaccuracies Regardless it is a fun toetapping film and a good introduction to Buddy Hollys music\r\n"
6.4 Stemming
Stemming is the process of reducing a word to its base or root form, typically by removing suffixes. For example, running becomes run and jumps becomes jump. This helps in normalizing words to their core meaning for text analysis and natural language processing tasks. We can stem a text using, e.g., the stemDocument
function from the tm
## textpos1000
## "Gari Busey is superb in this music biography. Great sing and excel soundtrack. The Buddi Holli Stori is a much better movi than La Bamba. From read other comments, there may be some histor inaccuracies. Regardless, it is a fun toe-tap film, and a good introduct to Buddi Holli music."
6.5 Part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing
A far better option than stemming is lemmatization as lemmatization is based on proper morphological information and vocabularies. For lemmatization, we can use the udpipe
package which also tokenizes texts, adds part-of-speech tags, and provides information about dependency relations.
Before we can tokenize, lemmatize, pos-tag and parse though, we need to download a pre-trained language model.
If you have downloaded a model once, you can also load the model directly from the place where you stored it on your computer. In my case, I have stored the model in a folder called udpipemodels
# load language model from your computer after you have downloaded it once
m_eng <- udpipe::udpipe_load_model(file = here::here("english-ewt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe"))
We can now use the model to annotate out text.
# tokenise, tag, dependency parsing
review_annotated <- udpipe::udpipe_annotate(m_eng, x = review) %>% %>%
# inspect
head(review_annotated, 10)
## doc_id paragraph_id sentence_id token_id token lemma upos xpos
## 1 doc1 1 1 1 Gary Gary PROPN NNP
## 2 doc1 1 1 2 Busey Busey PROPN NNP
## 3 doc1 1 1 3 is be AUX VBZ
## 4 doc1 1 1 4 superb superb ADJ JJ
## 5 doc1 1 1 5 in in ADP IN
## 6 doc1 1 1 6 this this DET DT
## 7 doc1 1 1 7 musical musical ADJ JJ
## feats head_token_id dep_rel
## 1 Number=Sing 4 nsubj
## 2 Number=Sing 1 flat
## 3 Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 4 cop
## 4 Degree=Pos 0 root
## 5 <NA> 8 case
## 6 Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 8 det
## 7 Degree=Pos 8 amod
## deps misc
## 1 <NA> <NA>
## 2 <NA> <NA>
## 3 <NA> <NA>
## 4 <NA> <NA>
## 5 <NA> <NA>
## 6 <NA> <NA>
## 7 <NA> <NA>
## [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3 rows ]
We could, of course, perform many more manipulations of textual data but this should suffice to get you started.
Now, we combine the pos-tagged text back into a text.
review_annotated %>% %>%
dplyr::summarise(postxt = paste(token, "/", xpos, collapse = " ", sep = "")) %>%
dplyr::pull(unique(postxt)) -> review_postagged
# inspect
## [1] "Gary/NNP Busey/NNP is/VBZ superb/JJ in/IN this/DT musical/JJ biography/NN ./. Great/JJ singing/NN and/CC excellent/JJ soundtrack/NN ./. The/DT Buddy/NNP Holly/NNP Story/NNP is/VBZ a/DT much/JJ better/JJR movie/NN than/IN La/NNP Bamba/NNP ./. From/IN reading/VBG other/JJ comments/NNS ,/, there/EX may/MD be/VB some/DT historical/JJ inaccuracies/NNS ./. Regardless/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT fun/NN toe/NN -/HYPH tapping/NN film/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT good/JJ introduction/NN to/IN Buddy/NNP Holly/NNP 's/POS music/NN ./."
Visualising the dependencies (syntactic )
sent <- udpipe::udpipe_annotate(m_eng, x = "John gave the bear an apple") %>%
# generate dependency plot
dplot <- textplot::textplot_dependencyparser(sent, size = 3)
## Loading required namespace: ggraph
6.6 Data processing chains
When working with texts, we usually need to clean the data which involves several steps. Below, we do some basic data processing and cleaning using a so-called pipeline or data processing chain. In a data processing chain, we combine commands to achieve an end result (in our case, a clean text).
reviews_pos_split_clean <- reviews_pos_split %>%
# replace elements
stringr::str_replace_all("<.*?>", " ") %>%
# convert to lower case
tolower() %>%
# remove strange symbols
stringr::str_replace_all("[^[:alnum:][:punct:]]+", " ") %>%
# remove \"
stringr::str_remove_all("\"") %>%
# remove superfluous white spaces
# remove very short elements
reviews_pos_split_clean <- reviews_pos_split_clean[nchar(reviews_pos_split_clean) > 10]
# inspect data
## [1] 1728 639 581 456 126 182 3833 151 683 29 104 91 42 25 714
## [16] 461 405 250 95 57 719 368 1502 121 1636 709 44 681 78 222
## [31] 904 247 516 1935 2671 1148 2548 815 705 27 108 209 30 553 287
## [46] 896 424 64 546 61 195 32 43 39 199 120 615 81 133 290
## [61] 45 278 20 231 77 98 340 1957 377 41 35 41 303 716 32
## [76] 52 218 1117 1764 220 98 212 576 70 26 780 242 130 241 87
## [91] 249 109 63 81 464 101 369 34 464 19
## [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2656 entries ]
Inspect text
6.7 Concordancing and KWICs
Creating concordances or key-word-in-context displays is one of the most common practices when dealing with text data. Fortunately, there exist ready-made functions that make this a very easy task in R. We will use the kwic
function from the quanteda
package to create kwics here.
kwic_multiple <- quanteda::tokens(reviews_pos_split_clean) %>%
quanteda::kwic(pattern = phrase("audience"),
window = 3,
valuetype = "regex") %>%
# inspect data
## docname from to pre keyword post
## 1 text1 222 222 painted for mainstream audiences , forget charm
## 2 text9 90 90 community . the audience at the end
## 3 text35 36 36 often find big audiences . people seem
## 4 text37 188 188 this keeps the audience on the edge
## 5 text37 376 376 krabbé holds the audience's attention and looks
## 6 text76 8 8 message to the audience . his
## pattern
## 1 audience
## 2 audience
## 3 audience
## 4 audience
## 5 audience
## 6 audience
We can now also select concordances based on specific features. For example, we only want those instances of “great again” if the preceding word was “America”.
kwic_multiple_select <- kwic_multiple %>%
# last element before search term is "the"
dplyr::filter(str_detect(pre, "the$"))
# inspect data
## docname from to pre keyword post pattern
## 1 text9 90 90 community . the audience at the end audience
## 2 text37 188 188 this keeps the audience on the edge audience
## 3 text37 376 376 krabbé holds the audience's attention and looks audience
## 4 text76 8 8 message to the audience . his audience
## 5 text77 32 32 message for the audience . they are audience
## 6 text169 123 123 home gives the audience enough sympathy to audience
Again, we can use the write.table
function to save our kwics to disc.
As most of the data that we use is on out computers (rather than being somewhere on the web), we now load files with text from your computer.
You can also check out the free, online, notebook-based, R-based Concordancing Tool offered by LADAL.
We now turn to data visualization basics.